Foreign words like “ eclipse” and “stars.” The words alone are catalysts for terror. Will these chosen few work together to prepare the world for the upcoming dramatic event? Can it be stopped? To their chagrin, the world’s renowned religious leader had prophesied about this puzzle they now face. Each of them has stumbled upon pieces to an unbelievable truth. An archeologist, a psychologist, an astronomer, and a journalist enter a bar.

It’s almost like the set-up to a bad joke. A startling discovery promises to throw civilization into chaos in fourteen months. The many suns rise and set constantly, each following their distinct orbits. But now–everything astronomy, psychology, journalism, archeology, and religion have studied and concluded will be challenged. They live on a planet that has never experienced total darkness. “The nature of the Stars will be made more than amply clear to us,” said Folimum 66, “in a matter of four hundred and eighteen days.” “Can you be more specific, do you think?”